Anyone else in no rush?

Khloie 🇬🇧 • Baby boy 10th Dec ‘17 🐒 Baby girl Aug ‘19 🤱🏼

My first is 20 months so I remember just wanting him out because I was SO excited and nervous but this time I know EXACTLY what to expect and I’m making the most of my final days 😂

I’m leisurely going around my business cleaning little things at a time, my bag is mostly packed.

My csection is booked for Wednesday 14th so I’ve made some nice plans for Monday & Tuesday but overall I’m not in no rush right now

I’m getting as much sleep in between for when I’m so exhausted I can think back to these times when I could actually get some sleep and be jealous of my past self.

ALSO I had such bad baby brain last time so I’m making the most of being able to string a sentence together before I lose my ability to hold an adult conversation again!

😂 small things hey