I dont know if I’m making the right decisions.

I’m pregnant and my mom doesn’t know but i think she knows because i lost my pregnancy test also i told my grandmother and she basically told me i can’t do it “it’s like a baby having a baby” and stated that i can’t take care of myself... I’m only 19 and i understand that I’m young but FUCK. Just pure negativity as if i already don’t know i fucked up and i honestly emotional can’t i feel completely alone it’s ridiculous... the father wanted me to have an abortion so... yea it’s just me and i cry every night and I’m hurt in so many ways to know i don’t have no support and it makes me question my decision.

Let me update this: i do have a job 2 and i have 12 more classes and I’ll have my AA degree in general studies working towards my BSW. I’m doing something with myself I’m just not finished with my plans.