Which swaddles are best? (I’m in Florida in case that matters)

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I like the muslin blankets but I'm not crazy about the Velcro ones, my babe doesnt care for them and the Velcro always scares him if he's sleepy lol i absolutely love the zip up sleep sacks though. He cant kick his way out of them and they're super convienent


Posted at
The Muslin swaddles were good for the newborn stage they were thin and she enjoyed them and then she got too strong and could bust out of them so we had to move to the Velcro swaddles. So both they are equally useful and I can’t choose one over the other.


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It really just depends on what your baby likes better. Some babies don’t like to be swaddled at all.


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Velcro can scare the baby I have the Ollie swaddle, it ok, but it did startle her a couple times. I really enjoyed the miracle blanket of the first it’s thin and what not.


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Muslin swaddles. We used them for swaddling when he was newborn, and now, he loves them. He plays with them and snuggles them. We have 8 of the Aden & Anais ones, and they’re fantastic.


Tiffany • Aug 9, 2019
My dude loves to snuggle his now that he’s big. ❤️ It’s the sweetest. I’m leaving 2 out when I pack up his baby stuff for him to snuggle for a while.


Laney • Aug 9, 2019
Plus, they’re thin enough they’re very breathable. Our Pediatrician recommended them because it’s far less likely to cause problems if they ever get them in their face because they’re so thin!


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Flannel receiving blankets were my favorite. They’re the perfect size and texture for swaddling imo


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As much as I hate the heat of the Velcro ones theyre the only ones my babies wouldn’t escape from. 😂


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My son hated them and my daughter was only in few month if that i personally dont think its worth it unless baby is here


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Personally my baby hated them. We tried the light blankets and he would escape in the middle of the night setting us into paranoid mode as it could cover his face and the bottom ones if you have a smaller babe it’s not one size fits all he would also Houdini escape out of those