TTC at 17

Ahjah • Boy girl mama 10.06.20💙09.03.21💖

I’m 17 and my bf is 18 . We both are done with school and out of our parents home . We’ve been trying to conceive for 4 months now .. in May I had a period that lasted 10 days and June we ended up missing my ovulation. This month I ovulated for sure and we bd every day . Multiple times . My bf just recently got arrested for a misdemeanor and will be home sometimes next week . In June I had a whole bunch of symptoms including vomiting and ended up not being pregnant. This month not really many symptoms so I’m feeling like I’m out . But I just wanna stay positive. My TWW is almost over and I’m hoping that I can give my bf the news he wants when he gets home💕💙 PRAYING FOR A BFP .. wish me luck 😫