My Birth Story

Hailey • 💖🌺Baby Kaiya coming 8/8/19🌺💖

On August 1 I had spent the day moving, and the days prior packing up for the move. That night I was EXHAUSTED. I tried going to bed at about 10 but was awoken by contractions at 12:30. They had gone from 4-5 minutes apart to 2-3. We waited to make sure it was consistent and they had started spacing out again. I tried sleeping as much as I could but awoke with each contraction. The next day my mom took me to the store so I could get settled into my new place. When we got back she called my boyfriends family over so they could help get the baby room set up. I was really no help at this point with everything getting more intense by the minute. By 6pm we arrived at the hospital. My mom and boyfriend were my support team along with my nurse midwife. Contractions were lasting 90 seconds about 2 minutes apart. As transitional labor came I was prepared for it to be the toughest part, but also the shortest. I was mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted. As I felt I couldn’t do it anymore and I asked why it was taking so long, I was informed my little girl was posterior and needed to move her nose around my pelvic bone. We tried many things to get her move and she was very comfortable where she was at. Transition lasted 2-3 hours. Laboring on the hospital bed was the most uncomfortable for me and I had asked to get back into the laboring tub. After about 15 minutes in there I reached down and felt my little girls head. I decided to try sitting on the toilet. I pushed her into my arms and brought her up to my chest. Right after I delivered her my nurse had me walk to the hospital bed and deliver my placenta. My little girl was brought into this world at 12:07am on August 3.

GA 39w 3d

Pictures of me in labor, when she was first born, and a few days after. 💖