Cat people needed


I got my daughter a kitten. He’s a cat now....about a year old. Anyway every time I turn around she’s feeding the cat, plus she leaves dried food for him. Plus she gives him cat snacks and she gives him this turkey that’s supposed to be human food but he loves it so she feeds that to him too. The damn cat even has a particular brand of turkey he likes and refuses cheaper brands. Anyway I don’t know crap about cats (I’ve always only had dogs but she liked the thing sooooo). This cat seems to be putting on weight. Are you supposed to be feeding a cat like this? Dogs eat once a day and I walk mine to keep him in shape because they can get disease (diabetes, hypertension, etc) just like people. She’s 14 so when I say something about her cat getting fat she gets all offended. It’s true I don’t really like the cat but I respect animal life in general. I got the cat a harness and a leash so she could walk him but she doesn’t. Are you not supposed to walk them? How often are you supposed to feed them? Salty deli turkey can’t be good for that harmful? Anyone that can give me some cat knowledge, I’d appreciate it.