I love my man well...I think so

I been with my man for all most a year we knew each other for 10 years we were friends I considered him my best friend. After years of him trying we’re together. My man very passionate he care into this relationship knowing I had a child. He treat my child like his own. My problem is I’m not sure if I love him even though I say it.

He has some growing to do. Mentally and financially. He’s in so much debt it effects him and I try to help but sometimes it doesn’t feel like enough since he say I don’t support him. We had a joint account which he ended up needing the money so that is gone. He’s such a mama boy and I’m private with what happens in my household . He tells his mom everything and fabricated stories, sometimes I feel he like feeling like a victim so everyone can feel sorry for him. He’s trying to be the man in the house but he gets intimidated by money I’m making and how I keep my accounts stable. He get moody when I want to hangout with my girlfriend which he knows all of them. We got into s agreements and he attempted to walk out on us twice. Which I tell him if you leave just know there no coming back my number one priority is my child. There’s negatives but there’s positives to but sometimes I just can’t deal with it. The emotional out lashes, the financial burdens and the family interferences. Now he told me he’s taking sex enhancement pills because he think I lack with his sexual pleasures. He been hiding this from me from over 6months that he been taking these pills. I don’t know what to do..