Baby not very interested in food


My little man is 7m3w, and will not eat food unless coaxed. He is EBF, and for the most part has been doing baby led weaning. He will only eat a few bites at a time and then seems full. I cannot get him to eat purées for the life of me, but he always wants my food which is fine. I usually share some with him after mushing it up into smaller pieces. His weight is good according to the Dr. Does anyone else have a picky baby? It feels like he always wants to nurse instead of eat more solids.

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Yes same exact boat here!


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This is absolutely us. I got all excited to use the Baby Bullet and made 2 purées, which she expressed interest in but then was like “what the?” She prefers milk, which honestly is fine by me. But then she’ll occasionally want to see and grab what I am eating, so sometimes I try to offer a tid bit of what I’m eating and she’ll try a sample and then sit back like “oh”. The one thing she wants more of is always beans! I think it’s so funny! I stopped pureeing because of this and I’m just waiting for her to express more interest.


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My little man is basically still ebf . I give Hime finger foods and let him feed himself. He mostly chews on the food and then spits it out or he'll just suck on it. His weight is great and he's meeting all of his milestones so I'm not worried. He'll eventually eat. No need to rush it.


Jennifer • Aug 12, 2019


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Same! My little one does not like purees at all, she only likes watermelon (just sucking the juice out) and tiny pieces of bread. But I think she is warming up to other food now (she voluntarily took a second spoon of banana yesterday!). They will figure it out soon enough!


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Exactly the same, I’m not sure he has actually swallowed anything yet, just mushes it up and spits it out!


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Mine was like that until 10 days ago when started eating more and nursing a little less, out of the blue (turned 8m on Thu).