Seriously awkward and ashamed.

I don’t know how to say this but I’m just writing out bits in my new calendar and 22 weeks pregnant. I went to to put in my partners birthday and I’ve completely forgotten what date it is in October!! ☹️

I don’t want to ask him because I feel so awful for forgetting in the first place, I’ve even looked on Facebook and he doesn’t have it on there or anywhere else. I’m stumped, I feel so bad. It was only this morning we got into a bicker because I thought I was still 20 and turning 21 when I’ve had the baby when in fact I’m going to be 22 shortly after I’ve had him. I was so certain I was still 20 I went and got my passport just to prove him wrong when...clearly I was...

I’m not sure how or why this is happening, should I just brunt it?