Is it a bad idea to talk to an ex?

I’m 24 & I’m young & I’ve only had one serious relationship before this one. Literally that relationship was a shit show. He cheated on me & we broke up.

So now 2 months ago I started going out with this really cute dude, who made a ton of money & basically was so awesome with everything my ex wasn’t. But as soon as we got into a relationship we fought over stupid stuff, his anger & anxiety would be out of control. We were long distance and it seemed like it was hard for him.

We broke up & then now we just text a lot & we’re trying friends with benefits.

People have told me that you will find better. But I have a hard time believing that after my ex. Maybe I’m just not thinking clearly.

Can anyone give me advice? Should I let go of my ex? Will I ever find someone better than my ex?