Trucking along

Elizabeth • ♡mrs sabo

Okay so I'm really just treating these posts more of journal entries- so my apologies to anyone who is bored reading this!!

Today I took my first dose of clomid. After reading up I decided to also order some preseed to hopefully help things along. I told my husband tonight how weird it is that my obgyn basically gave a BD schedule lol. I know it's normal to her but to me it's like someone coaching from the sidelines. That being said our head is in the game and we are going to follow the coaches play lol. So, I take the clomid cycle days 5-9. I stocked up on some First Response opks. Have my basal thermometer. I've been taking my prenatal. All in. This will be.... month 16 (🙄) trying.

Anyone else annoyed that you spent your entire college life paranoid about an unplanned pregnancy only to find out that you cant really even get pregnant with out fertility meds? F-you, reproduction system. Can life refund me $ for the pregnancy tests I've used?? (my period has always decided if it would or wouldn't come for months, so, a lot of tests)