Don’t lose hope!

Hi all! When we were TTC (I’m 33) I scoured the internet for every last post on every drug I was taking and every test result. I wanted to share my success story in case it helps anyone else!

We started TTC last September. I went off birth control in May and September got here and I visited my OB/Gyn because I still had no period. He gave me clomid. I tried Clomid in October, November and December (on 50, 100 and 200 mg respectively) and never ovulated once. I then made an appointment and saw my specialist for the 1st time in January. I did some blood work, my husband did a SA and everything looked great for him. Mine showed an AMH of 0.58, and nothing else really stuck out. They thought I may have low estrogen (but it was high in the bloodwork still from my last hurrah on Clomid)

I started Femara and did a step program on that in February and March and same thing-didn’t ovulate even once at 7.5 mg and didn’t produce even sizable follicles where we could trigger.

At this point I was pretty upset and frustrated-who doesn’t even ovulate on the max dose of all of these meds?!?

We did an HSG, looked great. We did some genetic testing in there, no fragile X.

We then moved to Follistim injectables in May with timed intercourse and a trigger. The first cycle I had one egg that grew SO fast and I triggered when my lining was only at 3mm. (Important to note, my doctor will trigger you at lower lining numbers, many don’t. His philosophy is that there are millions of women getting pregnant all the time that haven’t sought help and we have no idea what their lining numbers are. We also don’t have a lot of research on how lining impacts pregnancy rates except with <a href="">IVF</a>). My lining was trilaminar (the right pattern) just thin.

The next cycle the goal was to drag it out slower so I could hopefully have a better lining and maybe an extra egg. After 10 days of stimming I had 3 beautiful eggs and possibly a 4th but a lining only at a 5 (we hoped for an 8 at least) We triggered and I figured it would be another month wasted (although I was super happy i was at least ovulating at this point).

July 9th, 10 DPO, I got a BFP. I was in complete shock and still am lol. I’m currently 8w 3 days with one beautiful baby with a strong heartbeat and we’re due March 2020.