Need little help...

Vera • A wife and a mom to a beautiful baby girl (November 7th 2014) a rainbow 🌈 baby boy.(October 31st 2020) and now TTC last one.

So little background. I have severe PCOS. I have a 4 year old. We been trying to conceive for almost 2 years. My last period was October 20th 2018. I've taken multiple pregnancy tests throughout this whole thing and all are negative. 2 days ago in the evening I wiped and very very very light pink. That same night nothing showed again. Next day nothing clean as though nothing ever happened. Last night it happened again, ever so light pink came out on paper. It hasn't changed color wise and spotting amount. Could it be implantation bleeding???

My question is... should I test tomorrow (which I was thinking of doing) but if it's nothing then I won't. Thanks ladies.