Sex and condoms

So i have had sex with a previous boyfriend but he always provided the condoms and i’m not 16 yet, and i’m on holiday right now and when i get home this guy who i’ve been talking to me and him have arranged to hook up but he wants me to get the condoms as i’m not in the pill, so can i go to a store and buy some even though i’m underage also i live in the uk so which are some good stores to get some from? And should i go to a store with self checkout so i don’t have to talk to anyone?

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Posted at
if its that big of a deal then maybe skip the whole hookup all together. You’re still very young. You’ll have time when you’re older to have hookups and what not.


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You don't get IDd for condoms in the UK. Superdrug will tend to have deals on durex which are a reliable brand. Don't worry too much about what type of condom it is (ribbed, real feel, extra safe, normal) they all work the same. Tescos and Asda etc also do them cheap but sometimes in the plastic boxes so you would need someone to open it up for you even if you done a self scan. Although it's embarrassing don't let it put you off them buying them. Always handy to have on you x