life changes making me nervous

okay just to give a little info about me. i’m 21, engaged, and have a 19 month old daughter. we have a house and we do pretty well to support ourselves and pay our bills.

so about two months ago i quit my crappy hosting job at a restaurant. my managers refused to let me move up even tho i’d been working there almost 3 years. i made $10/hour and only brought home ~$300 every two weeks. they would not let me be a server even though i would’ve made more money to support myself and my daughter. the management had done so much crappy stuff to me and a bunch of my other co workers so i just quit on a whim because i literally hated going to work. i woke up one day and just didn’t want to put up with it anymore. me and my co workers would get called “stupid bitches” if we had to ask a manager to do a discount or talk to a customer for us. my fiance wasn’t mad that i quit but he told me i had to find a different job. understandable. he has a good job but not enough for us to live on all the time. we’ve been lucky since i quit because he’s been working a bunch of overtime and making ~$1,000 every week. in the meantime, i found out i’m pregnant with #2. i applied for a job as a registrar at a hospital. the same dept my MIL works in. it pays $12.30 and it’s a full time position so i would get 40 hrs/week. i ended up getting the job. i interviewed on a friday and they emailed me on monday offering me the position. i’m fine with that but i’m also nervous because i feel like i’ll never have time to do anything with my daughter or clean my house or spend time with my fiancé. my job in a restaurant was flexible and i didn’t have to worry about never being home. but now i’m so worried about it and i feel like my daughter is going to think i’m never around :( it might just be my pregnancy hormones going crazy but i’m so nervous that i will hate the job. i’ve loved being home with my daughter every day for the past 2 months. and i really don’t want to put her in a daycare. i’m sorry if this is long but i would really appreciate any advice to get me out of this funk that i’m in about starting my new job in a couple of weeks.