Dick pic = cancelled? (Read description)

Okay so let’s say you’re talking to a guy (whether it be friendly or flirty) and for some reason he decided to send an unsolicited dick pic, would you automatically cancel the guy?

Been honest, if it’s a friend or someone whom I think I’d still enjoy talking, I wouldn’t cancel him immediately.

I’d give another chance, maybe explain that I’m not into him like that but that we could still build a friendship if he wanted to.

Idk if I sound like a crazy person, but to me it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal breaker. Ya know, don’t get me wrong, if it’s some creep that I just started talking to yesterday, I would block ASAP. But if we’ve been talking for a while, well I think miscommunications can happen, who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️

Tell me if I’m being crazy or what

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