16 weeks


Currently 16 weeks pregnant with our rainbow baby. We found out we were pregnant with fraternal twins and lost 1 in our 6th week. The nausea was HORRIBLE up until about week 14 as expected because my body STILL thinks I’m pregnant with twins because the second gestational sac hasn’t fully absorbed. All weekend I haven’t been able to keep anything down. I eat something small or drink water and within 5 minutes it comes back up! My stomach and lower waist are so crampy and it’s not the quick pains in my groin that just go away...it’s consistent for about 5-7 minutes then goes away for about 10-15min. I have a constant urge to urinate but barely anything. I called my OB and am currently waiting for a call back.....am I being overly dramatic? Is this normal?!?! I’m so nervous because we have had 4 losses and with the loss of a twin.....