Age Gaps?

okay so tea. me and this guy (we’ll call him E) the beginning of summer we were already friends cause we help out at summer camps and do stage crew together for theatre. but this summer we started hanging out a LOT and he’s very attractive and things have progressed to where we both like eachother and we’ve made out before and everything. but there’s one problem.... he’s 19. i’m 15 i’ll be 16 in a month 1/2. and he’s not trying to “get in my pants” i’ve known him for years and he’s the nicest guy i know i’m the second girl he’s kissed and he wants me to go up to his dorm one weekend to stay the night once he goes back. and we both agreed not to do anything cause 1. im not ready for that. and 2. if anyone finds out my parents will over react and he could get kicked out of medschool. but do you think it’s a big deal that he’s gonna be a sophmore in college and i’m gonna be a sophmore in highschool, we’ve both agreed to not tell anyone cause we have the same friends and they’d shut us out cause that’s how my theatre works it’s very hostile lol but just thoughts on this situation? idl i had to post a tiny rant since i’m not telling anyone.