Could life be worse for me rn?😭

I’m 18. That’s pretty young, even though I’m technically an adult now.

Over the last 6 years, my doctors have been searching for problems within my body.





Just to name the serious ones, at least.

Today I went to my doctor. I had a CT Scan about a week or two ago with contrast.

My back is in worse condition than most 18 year old girls’.

Spondylolisthesis- the longest word I know and can actually spell & describe- is also the issue that I can’t seem to resolve.

My vertebrates in my spine are slipped a little, and I discovered today that now I have bulging discs and bone spurs on my spine also.

This, along with losing a best friend to suicide over the summer.

I’m in so much pain physically and mentally and I feel like I am so alone in this. Idk what to do anymore.