Polycystic ovary advice??

Good day

Please assist I am 25years old..ttc for 5months already

Got positive pregnancy test, went to the dr...did iternal sonogram saw nothing...said I'm not pregnant...bc I Also started bleeding last 2 days (my AF wasn'tdue yet....was mid cycle bleeding,first time having irregular bleeding)...send me anyway for blood tests to make sure...but not getting m Hopes up......he then looked at m ovaries an he said it's a bit polycystic?? Gave me metformin to drnk for 3 months...and said if I didn't get pregnant must come back and he will start with <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility treatment</a>

Dont know if I even ovulated last couple of months..

I feel very sad and down :(

Is there ladies who got pregnant on metformin? Please give some info