My mother in law is so rude

Not airing out dirty laundry... But had to get this off my chest. So I love my family & I know that no one’s family is perfect & that every family has their own problems. This is long so I will try my best to keep this short.

My mil is something else. If I explained all that she is & the crazy things she has done I would be here all day. My bro in law is getting married soon. He has had a recent fall out with a friend & hasn’t had any reconciliation with this friend for the past 5 years. We’ll call my bil, Jack & his friend, Phil. So Jack & Phil used to be best buds. Words were exchanged one night to where they ended their friendship abruptly. Jack is friends with Phil’s girlfriend & her family (we’ll call her May). Jack wasn’t going to invite May & her family, but was encouraged to by his siblings. In order to invite May, Jack had to also invite Phil. Phil rsvpd “no” & my mil went up to Phil at his workplace & made a scene asking why he wasn’t going to the wedding. Phil told my mil that he & May were working & couldn’t make it. My mil told our whole family except for Jack that Phil was so ungrateful inspite of our family trying to invite him to the wedding.

First of all, my mil should accept Phil’s rsvp & leave it alone. She thinks Phil is ungrateful & is spreading rumors about him.

Second of all, the only 2 people who should med the relationship is Phil & Jack.

Third of all, my mil is blaming me & Jack’s siblings because for some reason she thinks we are siding with Phil & we think Jack is at fault (concerning the fall out).