Possible PCOS ??


Hi everyone 👋🏻

So I stopped taking my Pill in January as we are TTC (I am 29 and hubby is 30) Had a withdrawal bleed as usual, then had a really long period in feb. After that absolutely nothing, I still got all of the symptoms I get when I’m on my period especially cramping but no period. After a couple of months I went to my doctor who assured me it was normal for a lot of women after stopping the pill and to wait a bit longer. So I waited, finally had a period end of June/beginning of July so I thought yes my period has regulated again and I might be able to conceive.

Along comes August and again no period 🤦🏽‍♀️ I am now on cycle day 47, 9 days late for my period but not pregnant. Spoke to my doctor again who said I needed some blood tests to check my hormone levels which I got done yesterday. Doctor also asked me if I suffer from Acne (I do) problems with hair growth (I don’t) and if I had gained any weight - I have gained some, around 6 pounds since last year, I now weigh 66kg which I think is about 145 pounds (I’m English and we usually go by Stone or Kg)

Obviously all of the questions she has asked me suggest PCOS and since my periods are irregular and I suffer from acne I am now convinced that’s what it is. I have to contact the doctors Thursday/Friday to get my blood results and I literally can’t stop thinking about it!

If it does turn out to be PCOS I am so glad I have this page to come to for help, advice and support.

Baby dust to all of you ladies who are TTC xxx