


Has anyone ever heard of this? I found this on my bf phone. He tipped some girl for a video. I’m conflicted on how I feel about it. A part of me doesn’t like it but then a part of me is like what’s the difference between that and porn? Guys are just more gullible bc they can send messages. 🤦‍♀️ (PSA. There’s free porn out there. That girl you just paid really isn’t into you.) 🙄 advice?

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Posted at
If i found or my partner did this i’d leave personally. 1. there’s free porn and 2. He’s just paid to see a naked women i’m gonna be so angry and feel super disrespected. I believe the only naked women my man should be looking at is me


Kianna 🌻 • Aug 14, 2019
yep that’s my issues. I found out my partner was adding and searching for these tiny models and unfortunately it’s out a huge restraint on my eating issues i have now because i’m not the tiniest ( 50kg ) but i have a mum tum


Kianna 🌻 • Aug 14, 2019
oh i’m okay with porn, if probably be feeling hella insecure about it but i’ll never tell him nor stop him but i wouldn’t like him watching it then coming in to have sex with me. I’m fine with him obviously watching porn but not paying to look at someone naked or half naked or fully naked insta models or other naked women in social media


Ne • Aug 14, 2019
A part of me cares and then the other part knows I can’t control it. I’d prefer him not to do it though. So I make videos or we make them and he actually watches them. I just feel like it’s a big restriction. Not like I’m gonna ALWAYS want to get him off. But it does make me uncomfortable that he more than likely has a desire to watch women who look nothing like me so idk lol I confuse myself


Posted at
If he PAID to see someone naked yup I’m be leaving the second I found out.


C • Aug 14, 2019
Right! This is way different than porn. You can pay and tip them to do things specifically you want them to do it's basically like sexting someone in real life you just happen to be paying for it. It's way more personal than going on bang bros finding a video and rubbing one out 🤷‍♀️


Posted at
Yeah I’m personally not ok with porn anyways but this seems a step worse to me. He’s interested in seeing 1 specific woman naked and actually willing to pay for it. Kinda weird 🥴


Posted at
In our relationship porn is a no go which was something that took sometime and lots of communication to get through to him. But for me it’s disrespectful; I don’t care if my significant other wants to touch himself; but to another girl is a nope. I myself don’t look at porn, never been interested in it at all. An for him he’s been sexually active and curious from such a young age, I’d never even thought of sex or anything like that really until a few months before I meet him. As said though for me it’s just disrespectful and he’s stopped looking at it and I noticed once he stopped watching porn then instead of sex 1 or 2x a day it became a 2-4x a day thing.


Posted at
A women who use to work where I do she was a temp told me she does vlog and online videos didn’t actually say what it was so I was like oh cool.. then I found her instagram and she had onlyfans linked... it was weird like she was a completely different person...she had a website where people would subscribe and pay monthly or pay as you go to view her stuff... I couldn’t be friends with her after it was so uncomfortable and weird... then to make it worse a month or so ago she added and started following my boyfriend😬😳


Amy • Aug 14, 2019
Oh that’s bad protect your bf love ❤️


Posted at
I think it’s different than porn


Posted at
It’s weird that he went through lengths to pay for it. Literally SO MUCH FREE PORN it’s not even funny so even though she’d never even notice him, if he can pay for virtual pussy then sis he’d pay a prostitute for the real deal. Take that as a warning


Posted at
Paying for it nope nope nope I'd leave.