Subchorionic Hematoma - SCH @ 10 weeks


So at exactly 10 weeks went in for an ultrasound. Baby looks absolutely perfect - we could see fingers and toes already! Heart rate was 171, measuring 10w+1.

We also found a 2 cm subchorionic hematoma. I was super surprised because I haven’t bled at all. It’s a bleed between the amniotic sac and my uterus. My doctor told me to basically go to a modified bed rest (no standing more than 10 minutes, no lifting, no bending/squatting, no sex) and she said that I have an increased risk of miscarriage.

I did tons of research of course when I got home and I’ve found all kinds of things. Does anyone else have one of these or had one in a previous pregnancy?

We can’t see the placenta yet so I don’t know how close the bleed is to the placenta... hopefully my next scan in two and a half weeks shows that it is smaller or gone completely.