
Some of you have seen how hard we’ve tried to avoid a cesarean because of the risks it has for me and baby because of my medical history. We just left the doctor and I have until 8:30am tomorrow morning to go into active labor on my own and at that time I’ll be taken for a general anesthesia cesarean. I had another sweep today, drank the brew (okayed by the OB), I’m heading out to climb stairs now, and I have a chiropractor appointment for labor encouragement in a couple of hours. And it’s a full moon! I had my bloody show in the middle of the night last night so MAYBE this might work!!!!!! 🙏🤞

Please PLEASE PLEASE let my body figure this out on it’s own🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞This is officially worst case scenario for us, so we are really hoping labor starts on it’s own. 🤞🙏