Cramping that lasted 2 hours and disappeared?


Hey guys! I am currently 10 DPO and AF starts this Sunday on the 18th. I am pretty on time with my cycles or a day or two early.

Yesterday I woke up at 8am with super super mild cramping and they were gone by 10am? Only had them for a couple hours and haven’t felt anything since.

I took a test this morning and came back negative.

Usually when I get AF cramps they are super intense and stay until AF starts. Usually I need to take aleve and use a heating pad to help with my pain. I haven’t been having my normal PMS signs either that include cystic acne, binge eating and agonizing cramps.

I’m hoping the light cramping was implantation cramping because of how light it was and how they only lasted for a brief moment.

Anyone else experience this and end up with a BFP? I’m trying to not feel discouraged because I read other people getting positives by 8 DPO. 😢