4 months pregnant

So today I got the worse news . My ex which is the father of my baby broke up w me . We’ve been on and off before he would always leave me then come back idk why I thought this time would be different. He has 2 daughters from his previous relationship. His excuse for breaking up w me was that he wanted to get 2 jobs and he had to focus on his daughters and he would focus on all 3 after I have the baby . Sucks bc at the moment Im going through a fought time I lost my job and I have so many bills to pay . I think he left bc of how hard the situation was getting . He filled me up w a bunch of lies telling me how we were going to raise our baby together and how we were gonna get our own place . We recently had just found out the gender of the baby he’s a boy . He wanted a boy so bad . And he just left me like nothing like I didn’t mean shit to him . It hurts and I don’t know what I’m gonna do I know he will come look for me later on I don’t wanna take him back