I wish things were different

Honestly writing this I’m crying and I don’t know why 😢 I wish we started dating before you joined the military because I really did and still do have feeling for you and I don’t know if you still do too we were doing good when we started talking (we would FaceTime almost all the time and I was fine with just talking to you for a few minutes because I understood the situation you were in) but then when you came home you were a whole different person (I didn’t even know you were home until I watched your snap) and thats because I dropped everything to go out of my way to help you on Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> and why would you introduce me to your mom as the girl I’m talking to ( you even stayed with me that night (that night we got drunk and you asked me to be your girlfriend if I remember that then I wasn’t that drunk) [they say when you do or say something when you are drunk you wanna say or do that thing when you are sober but you just don’t have the guts to] ... I was going to be there through everything I was truly going to be there I didn’t care because of my feelings for you I honestly want to know why you asked me to be your girlfriend then the next day just I guess forget why ask me if you didn’t really mean it I really wanna know why and right now I know you have a lot on you plate because you station in Afghanistan for I don’t know how long but I just wanna know was I not good enough was I too clingy what was it