Should Gypsy Rose Blanchard be freed from prison?


I didn’t include an “I don’t know option” because that’s how I feel. I want to know what the most common answer is.

I don’t think she would be in prison. I also don’t think she should be thrown out into the world based on here life before. She needs to be rehabilitated. There was a time where she didn’t know how old she was, she didn’t walk, she didn’t eat, she didn’t realize nothing was really wrong with her. She needs help. Murder is definitely never okay and should be punished, I just think this should have been handled differently. She’s had 20+ years of here life destroyed and ruined because of her mother, now the state is taking 10 more years. Nothing she does will ever get that back. Her life is ruined because of others. It breaks my heart. In some way, I think she was terrified of her mother. To the point where murder (to her) seemed like the only viable option. Münchausen syndrome by Proxy is considered a mental illness. Other people with mental illnesses don’t always go to regular prisons, they get help. She needs help. I don’t think she would ever hurt anyone ever again. Isn’t the point of prison to punish/rehabilitate criminals so they don’t do it again? I do think, however, Nick Godejohn should remain in prison. I feel so sorry for him, but it wasn’t his mother. He wasn’t facing abuse like that. He did it because Gypsy convinced him too. Who’s to say he would never do it again? My heart goes out to him, and he definitely also needs help of his own, but I can’t say confidently that he would never hurt someone again. Gypsy, though, I can full heartedly say would never repeat this awful thing. Tell me what you think in the comments.

***I’ve been researching this topic since it first happened. My opinion is not at all based on The Act because I know it is dramatized. However, the internet isn’t always reliable so if there’s something you feel I left out or I’m wrong about PLEASE do let me know.***

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