What do you feel is the best time to announce?

⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • Beagle mama • Lupus & Fibro • 🏳️‍🌈 bi

OPTION 1: wait to tell anyone until 12 weeks (except tell partner right away)

OPTION 2: tell close family and friends right away, wait for general announcement until at least 12 weeks

OPTION 3: tell everyone as soon as its confirmed by a doctor.

OPTION 4: wait until a later time, like 20 weeks or after the birth

Comment another option.




Its gonna vary from person to person, so theres not really any right answer for everyone, just a right answer for you personally.

I (may) have just had my 3rd miscarriage. (Hoping for a miracle friday but it's most likely a miscarriage) and personally I liked telling everyone right away. Sure it ended up having more time telling people we lost our baby, but then it felt like it wasnt only my loss. Like I had so much support from everyone in such a very lonely and heartbreaking time.

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I announced around 20 weeks -after the 20 week scan. Even then I didn’t announce. No social media posts... still none. Just told family and close friends . Just wanted to wait for that main scan to be sure all was ok


Po • Aug 16, 2019
Was hard keeping quiet to be honest . My sister in law is pregnant too I’m due before her and she told a lot of people at 5 weeks but totally her choice. She was shocked when I came out with it months later. But that was right for me x


⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • Aug 15, 2019
Wow! I'm too much of a chatterbox lol! I love seeing how different people have such different preferences. Proves that theres no one right way, just a right way for you, personally.


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Only close friends and family know (24 weeks 4 days) and dont plan to announce on social media until a couple months after hes born😊


Po • Aug 16, 2019
I’m like you. I want to share one pic or so not go crazy but will add to social once she’s arrived and safe. I know someone who shared loads on Instagram her bump stages etc and then had a still birth... that always stuck with me


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We did number two personally, but it's up to you!


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I think its personal. After 8 weeks (if heartbeat has been seen/heard) chances are you wont miscarry. After 12 weeks the chances of miscarriage are even lower. I chose to wait until 12 weeks to announce publicly, told my partner once it was confirmed, and told family at about 8-9 weeks due to morning sickness making it hard to hide. I hope to wait until baby is born for future pregnancies though (people close to me can figure it out themself, partner will find out when I get a positive test), I found it too stressful with everyone fussing around me with my son. I had a miscarriage last month and I dont think I could cope if I'd already told people I was pregnant (I was meant to be 8 ish weeks pregnant).


Jennifer • Aug 15, 2019
I know people that prefer to tell everyone so if they miscarry they have support ready to hand. For me I find it too hard talking about it so if someone asked how the pregnancy was going I would struggle but also wouldn't want to feel rushed to talk about it before I was ready.


⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • Aug 15, 2019
Oh yes it certainly is personal. This might be my third one unless there has been some kind of miracle and I tried the first three ways. I think because I'm an open book it's better for me to tell everyone right away. But everyone is different and it's just important to find what works best for you. It's unfortunate I've had enough pregnancies with no children produced to have a preference... but hey 🤷🏻‍♀️ silver lining is I know my favorite way to announce for sure.