Should prisoners have the right to write?

Xig • In the honourable words of Howard Moon - "I`m the fighter, you little tit-box."

Should prisoners be allowed make contact with the outside world? Contacting the outside world, though letters are moderated, does involve a risk of planning further crimes. Particularly when it comes to maximum security prisons, where the lives of people could be at risk.

The shooter from the Christchurch attack, Brenton Tarrant, wrote a 6 page letter to someone in Russia. Most of the letter seemed fine, but part of the letter was seen as a "call to arms", where he mentioned that "a great conflict is coming".

The prison have recognised this as a mistake, however, they also acknowledge that Tarrant was well within his rights.

Should he have the right to contact the outside world? Why? Does your opinion apply to all prisoners in maximum security?