First Ultrasound

Had my first ultrasound today. Kinda nervous. I had a positive opk July 11th, so ovulation should have been July 12th. Based on that I got my first positive hcg 10dpo. Blood was 10 two days later 33 two days later 131. Then 9 days later 4,000+ Today we had a viability scan and baby was in the right place with a beating heart but there was what the tech said was a bleed the same size as baby and shape. With my first I had a SCH around 14 weeks, but it wasn't round shaped. I worry with such a big bleed if I start bleeding I could loose my baby. Also baby only measure 6w2d vs the 6w6d based on my positive opk and pregnancy test. I would have had to have high hcg at 6dpo for that to be right. After my loss the month before I don't know if I'm just worrying too much or if this is a cause for concern.