I’m losing my mind!!!

So, I’ve recently just had a baby girl who is now 5 months old, me and my partner live around 25 mins away from his Mother (in a car) and about 15 from my Mum (walking distance) I see my Mum has often as I can making that Monday’s and Thursday’s as those are her days off and I’m not currently working so the more time I can get on Mat leave to see my Mum and spend time with the three of them I’ll take!

I digress, my partners Mum works throughout the week and is off on Thursdays and Fridays and I’ve noticed throughout the 5 months of my babies life not once has my mother in law made an effort to come down in the week to see her, I told my mil when she was born I would come down to see her but it wouldn’t be that often as I would be on my own and would be taking quite a bit and I don’t drive so would have to relay on public transport which I wouldn’t mind as I live about 5 mins away from a station but as I said it’s more the heftyness of what I need to take for my baby.

She does drive and has people who can take her here to visit my daughter on her days off but doesn’t and hasn’t bothered, not once! She doesn’t have the car when she’s off but lives around 10 mins away from a train station and as mentioned I don’t live far either.

I’ve had murder with my partner over the lack of effort she puts into seeing her, she sees her twice a month on the weekends when my partner is off and she’s off on sat and let me add that’s us going to see her not her coming here! And she has the car on those days!

Long story short, she’s been off this entire week so far and has not once asked to come down (I’ve always got an open door and I’ve said this from day one) or for me to come up, let me add throughout this whole week of her being off she’s had the car.

I’m losing a lot of patience as I feel as though it’s very harsh, she’s all lovey duvey on Facebook saying how much she loves her etc but yet there’s none of the actual effort into seeing her. Let me add she grabbed the pram from me not long ago without even asking and purposely sought people out to show her off to but yet as soon as we go inside she doesn’t cuddle her, hold her or even play with her! In my eyes she’s used as a show doll!

Any advice on if I’m over exaggerating or what I should do as I don’t want my baby growing up and seeing what I do.

Sorry it’s so long! Thanks for any advice!