Feel like i've been hit by a tsunami of grief instead of just a wave of grief😥



Tuesday marked 1 year since I was told at my 12 week scan that my baby had no heartbeat, tomorrow marks 1 year since my d&c and while my grief isn't all consuming anymore it definitely lurks in the background just waiting for a trigger. While I didn't find out the baby's gender I just have this feeling it was a girl.well today my sister rings with the news that my cousin had her gender reveal yesterday and guess what...it's a girl! I'm so happy her baby is ok because I would never wish this on my worst enemy but I'm devestated she's having my girl.i know this feeling is completely illogical and irrational but I can't help it.i just hung up the phone and am sitting in floods of tears. I'm not with the father of my baby anymore and I turn 35 next week so I don't really have much hope of getting my rainbow baby.only I have my beautiful 3 year old little boy (who is the most amazing child that God ever gave life to) I'm not sure what I would do.anyway sorry for the long and rambling post but I had to get it out.thanks for reading x

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Posted at
Thanks so much for replying ladies 😘 it's just been one of those days but it helped to know I'm not alone in this xx


Posted at
Hi, I was also told at 12 weeks that my baby had no heartbeat. That was April first and my d&c was on April 5th. 2 days ago I found out that 2 of my friends are pregnant, due in same month. I am so happy for them, but I went home that day and sobbed because I want it to be me so badly but it's not. I think the grief will never fully leave and it can just strike us and over come us as we try to get on with life. I just wanted you to know you are not alone in how you are feeling and I hope you feel ok soon.


Posted at
I'm sorry for your loss I also felt my child was a girl I've been having lots of days when I cry want to scream and punch something life seems so unfair I hate seeing people pushing babies around I'm even jealous of pregnant women please remember your baby is always going to be with you in your heart and love on your precious little boy sending you both massive hugs x


Posted at
Sorry for your loss lovely and it’s okay to feel the way that you are feeling. You are only human after all. Give your little boy a cuddle for a little bit longer today and breathe him in, that’s what I do. I cuddle my 5 and 7 year old, close my eyes and sniff their hair 😘😘 xxxxxx