My Symptoms/OPKs/Ava Bracelet Journey



**Please remove if not allowed, this is not a BFP announcement but a recap of my symptoms and experience with OPKs/Ava**

I thought I would share the symptoms I had before my BFP along with what we did on our journey! I know symptom spotting isn’t encouraged, but this time was so different for me (after convincing myself every little twitch or bubble was ~*iMpLaNtAtiON*~ when it clearly wasn’t lol.)

TTC #1, I went off BC (Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo) at the end of April 2019, & started <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> with clear blue digital in May. Would not recommend unless you’re very good at following instructions and testing when it says to - I would get smiley faces, then a circle, then another smiley a day later - it was all over the place and so confusing! I started using Pregmate ovulation strips instead in June. Would highly recommend! Ladies... it isn’t a positive until the test line is DARKER than the control line! And it will get there. Take pics for reference so you can compare. I would start testing a day before my projected ovulation window and BD every day during the window leading up to that positive test - because once you hit a positive you are ovulating within 12-36 hours! (Don’t you wish there was an at-home way to pinpoint when it was happening?! Would make life so much easier and less stressful. 😅)

No BFP in June or July. I was really bad at temping (I am a busy sleeper & sometimes would just forget) so I ordered the Ava bracelet. Ava moved my ovulation window UP and we BD with pre seed July 28, 29, 30 & 31 with projected ovulation on the 1st. (My gramma was coming into town and staying with us so I figured we tried, but wasn’t expecting it to be our month since we didn’t BD on O day bc I mean c’mon gotta respect gramma and we hadn’t had luck yet the previous months.)

Fast forward a week later and I’m breaking out, my lower back hurts (like aching) and I’m having the wildest dreams. Like I dreamt my moms friend was dating my college boyfriend who I haven’t seen or talked to in YEARS! SO random! Friday night I woke up drenched in sweat. I was so hot. I’m talking I had to change the sheets that day because I was disgusted with myself LOL. I struggled to get through my normal workout, I was so tired and just dragging. Saturday I actually took a nap, and I NEVER nap. More pimples. Also went to buy new bras and I went from a 34 C to a 34 D. WHAT?! Was convinced I’d been wearing the wrong size for my adult life. So come Sunday, I thought, well either AF is coming early with a vengeance or... I’m prego. And 10 DPO I had a faint but visible line on FRER and a strip test. I was shook! Guess gramma was good luck, LOL!

I did not have any implantation bleeding/spotting and my boobs aren’t sore. They’re bigger, but don’t hurt. I find myself super thirsty and in turn peeing a lot more. No weird cravings or aversions, no nausea, just a few wicked headaches. 😫

Was supposed to get AF on the 13th-14th, she is STAYING AWAY! The test line is now fully darker than the control line. Hoping for a sticky bean! Based on my last period which started 7/17 I’m 4 weeks & 3 days. We have our first ultrasound scheduled for 9/10 🤞🎉

TL;DR: I went off BC at the end of April 2019. Tried <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> with OPKs in May & June to no avail. Got the Ava bracelet in July which moved up my O date. BD with pre seed and got our BFP 10 DPO on 8/11! Currently 4 weeks & 3 days with first ultrasound scheduled for 9/10.

The TWW sucks. I get it. I was an emotional mess. I feel very lucky to have conceived after trying for three cycles and am sending everyone who is still trying all of the baby dust! If you’re bad at temping, try Ava. I know the reviews are mixed, but I really do believe I would have kept missing my window (even with OPKs) without her. Happy to answer any and all questions. ♥️🥰

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