First time IVF


My husband and I are getting ready for

<a href="">IVF</a>

to start at end of August. Nervous and anxious to say the least.

Due to my age (36), the plan was to do one fresh transfer and PGS the rest and freeze. Our genetics blood test resulted in both of us being carriers for Nemaline Myopathy. Now we have genetics counseling on Tuesday to discuss PGD testing.

This may mean I won’t do a fresh transfer and need to test all embryos prior to transplant. It was such a disappointment to learn we’re carriers, but a relief that we know this in advance.

Our protocol may change bc of this. We need to wait to see what our Dr. says. If we do a frozen transfer it’s going to prolong everything. Which makes me sad given how far we’ve come and how close we our to our goal of having a family.

Even though we want to do this ASAP, we’re spending a lot of money, want to be sure we don’t rush and take all the precautions available for the best possible result.

Emotions are all over the place. It’s stressful for both my husband and me. Causing some tension between us. I’m also not telling my family too much so there’s not many people I can discuss this with. Which makes me overthink and not get things off my chest.

Trying to stay busy and positive throughout this journey. It’s been long and hard. We’re closer now than ever. One step at a time. Need to keep our eyes ahead and keep moving forward!!

👶 💜💙✨

UPDATE (11/16):

September 12th was egg retrieval. They retrieved 21 eggs, 17 of which were mature. 11 were fertilized and 8 made it to day 5 embryo stage, which were then frozen.

Our genetics test took about 4 weeks to be developed. DNA was needed from both sets of parents so we had to let them in on what we were doing. Needless to say, they were both so excited. They were testing for Nemaline Myopathy as well as doing a chromosome test.

It look another 2-3 weeks for the actual testing of the 8 embryos. 2 were viable (but were carriers of Nemaline Myopthy). By a slip up of the counselor, we also knew the sex of both. At first, we didn’t want to know and just use the healthiest one. At least the gender would be a surprise to us!! But once we found out (both have the same sex), we were happy.

Only having 2 viable out of the 8 came as some what of a shock to us. We were hoping that more would make it. 2 were affected by the genetic disorder and the rest had chromosomal issues. In hindsight, thank god we had to go through PGD. Now we know we have two healthy embryos to work with.

Nov 3rd was my transfer date. The day before I was so anxious. But knew that being positive was the best way to handle it. So I tried my best. Greatest thing was after the transfer the dr said to have a glass of wine with dinner! I wasn’t about to pass that up!! 😂

After transfer day, I didn’t drink any alcohol or even caffeine. Ate really healthy and kept things calm in my life. November 13th would be my pregnancy beta test. During the first 8 days I was great, positive attitude, happy. Felt some cramping, food started to smell a bit stronger. Hmm! Everything was wonderful!

The 2 days before the test, however; were a different story. Started to go soo nervous and soo anxious. I had a hard time concentrating at work. I began cramping like I was getting my period. My mind immediately went to a negative place. It was telling me that, based on experience, I’m getting my period and the baby didn’t implant. I had to tell myself over and over that I don’t know what’s going to happen so I just need to stay positive. It was hard!

November 13th comes and my husband and I drive into the city. I get my blood test and we’re on our way. Go to work and had to force myself to concentrate on getting tasks done. Had to keep my mind occupied.

Around 12:30 pm I got a call from my doctor. His first words out of his mouth were, “Tell Alex his racing career is over” (side note: our Dr. is a friend who happens to race cars with my husband). “You’re pregnant,” he says. I was floored! My heart was beating to fast! It worked. I couldn’t believe it!!

Now to tell my husband the good news! Every girl wants to have this clever pregnancy announcement to their spouse. I wasn’t any different. Except my husband knew I was getting the results that day. So I told him I wanted to talk with him about it in person, when I got home from work.

I proceeded to make a sign for him (which is below). The sign is actually in color with the blocks the sex of the baby, and there is a note on the bottom to him which I cropped out bc I sent to our families. The message said the sex of the baby, as well, and we’re not telling them either.

“Worth every single shot. Baby Wolenski coming July 2020. Thanks, Science” (pic gets cut off)

Came home, tried to play it cool, and told him I had something for him. Pulled this out of an envelope and stood next to him as he read it. After he was done, he just said “You’re pregnant!” in this soft voice. I told him yes and we hugged and kissed. It was so loving!!

I then proceeded to give him a gift I bought when we first started trying to conceive. The gift was still in the mailing package and had the date on it, March 2017. It’s been a long time trying!! The gift was two little checkered flag baby shoes (as I mentioned he races cars). He was so excited about those and immediately sent a picture of them to our dr.

This post is long, winded and emotional. It’s like our journey, long, winded, and emotional. Now onto taking care of myself and our baby.

I’m still in shock this all worked out and that I’m actually pregnant. Saying the words doesn’t sound right. But I’m happy beyond any words can describe.

We thank God and science for our success. Hard work and determination pay off. I wouldn’t trade our journey for another. It brought us closer and proved that this little baby was hard fought for.

Now onto being pregnant and one day looking our miracle baby in the eyes.

Let the journey begin!!!

💕 👶 💕