So real Nightmares

So, I had this nightmare about my husband and I told him about it. It was that, (he told me he had to go to work, but accidentally shared on his iPhone that he was at the bowling alley. I have his mom watch the kids, and I go to the bowling alley and see him there with his arm around another woman, so I sit behind them and record them, until they start making out then, I sit in front of them, and he takes his arm away immediately, and I ask her how she knows him, and she says she’s been dating him for two months, and he’s just shaking his head in disbelief, and I tell her that I’ve been married to him for 2 years been with him for 7 but she could have him. And our mutual friends were on a double date with them.) That’s when I woke up. I told my husband that nightmare and he just tells me, I don’t wanna hear that shit, but he tells me his nightmares all the time and yes a lot of them are about me cheating on him. Now he won’t talk to me and ignoring me when I ask him something, he’s being freaking childish over a nightmare, unless he has something to hide!