Cramping and Light pink spotting? 11+3



Hi guys, is anyone else having this or have had this before? I was having slight cramping, and then when I went to pee and I wiped, it was light pink...

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Posted at
First off...I really don’t like ppl saying it is normal. We can say it is COMMON. If it was normal, we wouldn’t be flipping out over it. Please get it checked out ASAP. I think any spotting should always get assessed. Finger crossed.❤️❤️❤️❤️


Posted at
I had this at 7 weeks and it freaked me out. My OB said it was normal and not to worry but she still scheduled me to come in for an ultrasound just for peace of mind. Everything was fine, btw! She said always call with a combo of cramping and bleeding and the nurse/doc can tell you what to do.


Posted at
I don’t want to scare anyone or cause any momma more stress... but this is exactly how I found out I was miscarrying. I only ever got a smear of blood when I wiped, and my gut told me to go to the ER. And I was right. Baby had stopped growing over two weeks ago! What might be normal or typical for one person isn’t for another. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. If you’re worried about ANYTHING see your Dr or go to the ER. Trust your instincts. 9/10 it will be absolutely nothing to worry about, but don’t risk anything, especially not your own piece of mind. Sending you all my love and hoping your little bean is growing happy and healthy. 💜


DeDe • Aug 19, 2019
Thank you


Miranda • Aug 18, 2019
Still has my symptoms for a couple of days after my d&c as well. My body was overwhelmed by all the hormones.


Miranda • Aug 18, 2019
Nope. Still had all my symptoms. I was 10weeks but baby still measured 7w4d. I felt awful as though I should have known that my baby wasn’t okay. Like I was a fraud for thinking I was still “pregnant” for those two weeks. Awful experience. Completely different for every woman, but I just knew as soon as I saw that tiny spot of blood on the paper. I want to make sure people trust their instinct no matter how many people say ‘oh I’m sure it’s all fine’.


Posted at
Any updates DeDe


Michelle • Aug 19, 2019
I’ll be thinking of you! You are very strong and brave


DeDe • Aug 19, 2019
Hi Michelle! Thank you so much for checking up. I have my 12 week ultrasound on Friday. The nurse practitioner said she can have a better look then, or if it persists, then to come right in, but it has only been on and off, and only some days, so I guess I'll just wait until Friday. I'm just hoping for the best.


Posted at
Spotting and cramping is normal throughout pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. But if you're worried, call your doctor


Posted at
Any update hun?