Should I quit?

Sophie • Currently on the cusp of something wonderful

So a while back I posted an ad for dog walking in my local area, I hadn’t had any replies for a while until a few days ago when I was asked to walk someone’s dog for a little while as they had broken their foot so couldn’t walk him herself, so I agreed and went for the first walk yesterday, she lives a little way away so it was about a 45 minute walk to get there, which I didn’t mind too much, bear in mind I was hella nervous and my anxiety was really kicking in the night before, so I get there and this dog is beautiful and so happy, but then the first thing this lady says to me is “if you see a black person make sure you move out of the way, they don’t like dogs” so instantly I don’t like her, and I was doing my best to be polite so I just said oh haha ok, then she invited me in which I was kind of ok with but also just wanted to take the dog and go because I really didn’t feel comfortable around her, I’m never comfy around strangers, then she offered me a drink and asked if I wanted to rest before I left and I said no thank you I’d like to just go, then she points out that I’m sweating as if it’s some kind of disgusting sin and I just replied with a haha ye a bit, and focused all of my attention on her dog, she gave me dog bags and a couple of treats for him, then finally she gives me his lead and I left as quickly as possible whilst still being polite, anyway I have him a good walk and he was very sweet then I brought him back and she seemed ok with it then she took me into the kitchen and gave me £10 which I thought was kind of a lot for a 35 minute walk but I was grateful none the less, then I asked if she wanted me to come back and she’s like yes Monday, and every other day after that so I’m like great, the only problem is I really cannot stand her and feel so uncomfortable around her, if this was any other situation I would quit so hard but the dog needs to be walked, would it be wrong to try and find another dog walker in the area and try to send them instead, I’m honestly dreading going back tomorrow, I only agreed to it in the first place because I really wanted a job but I’d much rather be working in a cafe or similar than going to strangers houses. :/ if you have any advice on what the right thing to do is that would be really great. xx (also I looked it up and apparently it takes about six weeks for a broken foot to heal)