*Always trust your instincts.*


Tuesday, I got a call that my doctor’s office cancelled my prenatal appointment because my doctor went to a delivery. I was already on the way to the office, so I went to at least get the pee in the cup stuff done since I couldn’t reschedule. I mentioned that I hadn’t felt her move much during that day. They put me on a machine to monitor movement and we couldn’t get her to move with sugar or ice cold water. So my doctor came back to the office and checked me. I wasn’t dilated so then we did an ultrasound. She wasn’t moving at all; no breathing motions, nothing. So, we went next door to the hospital for an emergency c-section. They discovered when she came out that her cord was wrapped multiple times around her neck. Thank god I went to my appointment anyway and that I spoke up about the movement or she probably wouldn’t have made it. My doctor just stopped by and told us, “The fact of the matter is that she was dying.”