In laws advice

I use to get along with my in laws great. I felt so lucky because they were awesome and I never understood why people give in laws a bad wrap. But when we had our son everything changed. I’m pretty sure they don’t like me anymore. They tend to want to hold my son the entire time we’re with them and it’s always “Come to grandpa” or he wants me, or can I hold the baby, does grandma get a turn, etc. and sometimes I just want to have a peaceful outing getting to hold my son. It makes spending time with them very stressful. They’re very territorial over him. And whenever we’re with a group of people they want to take him and show him off. But I feel like I worked hard to bring him here and I want to show him off. There’s a lot more details and longer story to all of it, but long story short: how do I work on tolerating it all better? I use to suck it up and not do anything but that made it way worse. How do I get along with them more and stop losing my cool? I never say anything, but I get so dang frustrated