NT 5mm at my u/s today :(


I am high risk because I am 36 years old (will be 37 when baby is born) so I went to Maternal Fetal Medicine today for an abdominal u/s and a consult with a geneticist. On the u/s he saw the NT measuring 5mm when it should be 3 or less. He said it’s likely trisomy. I didn’t realize then that that includes Down Syndrome and was only thinking about the two really bad ones so I asked if that means that it’s likely that the baby will die and he said YES. From the research I’ve done today, NT can be an indicator of a problem, but it’s not a definite. I am wondering why on earth would he have told me my baby will likely die??? Everything else was normal.

I have a 7 day wait for the cell free DNA test to come back, which is also just a screening test. This has been such a stressful pregnancy. Please tell me that there is no way the doctor can say that my baby will die based on that test.