Tommy’s control.


"LETS PARTY!" Tommy yelled and everyone yelled as the party started. "You two go bring me her." He said gesturing to the girl who was halfway down the beach, the two men got up and started to run to her knowing if they didn't get him what he wanted they would be punished. He watched as they grabbed the girl and she fought against them till they brought her over and put her in the middle of the circle. 

"What the hell!?" She snapped and looked to Tommy before looking around at everyone. 

"You will fight, to get away." He simply said and she swallowed hard. 


"Let me see-" Tommy looked around and his eyes landed on bubbles. 

"Bubbles." He said and she stepped forward. "You are gonna fight little lady." Tommy said and little lady crossed her arms. 

"Fight for what?" She asked and Tommy smirked. 

"Me." She scoffed, she literally scoffed and Tommy had to hold in the glare. 

"Scoffing?" Bubbles asked and little lady nodded. 

"I'll fight you, but when I win. I don't want you." Little lady said looking to Tommy who was in shock. 

How dare she not want to fight for him? Everyone want's to fight and follow him! 

"We'll see if you even last-" Little lady punched bubbles in the face catching her off guard and she went to throw another punch but bubbles caught it and headbutted little lady she groaned falling onto her back, bubbles got on top of her and started to punch her, one, two, three and when she went to swing for the fourth time, little lady used her legs turning bubbles onto her back and little lady took the lead, punching bubbles in the nose twice, and giving her two black eyes, finally she knocked out bubbles and got off her. Little lady picked up her book bag and slung it on her shoulder, she walked to Tommy and got nose to nose with him. 

"I win Tommy." She smirked rolling her eyes and walking by him, Tommy watched and waited till she halfway down the beach. 

"Lets go." He said and everyone got up quickly grabbing there things, some people woke up bubbles and they all followed Tommy who was following little lady. 

"Stop following me!" She snapped and Tommy smirked. 

"No way." He simply said and she scoffed, finally they got to this mansion that was huge. Yeah Tommy has seen huge places but this one was a castle. "Damn little lady! This yo house?" Tommy asked she rolled her eyes. 

"Yup." She got inside and shut the gate before Tommy could get inside. 

"Hey, let us in." He tilted his head and she looked to all the men noticing they were carrying weapon's. 

"Or you gonna use those weapons?" She said unfazed and Tommy smirked. 

"I like you little lady, I would never." He said holding his heart like he was offended and she snickered. 

"Well come on in." She opened the gate and Tommy was shocked he was sure he would have to take this place by force. 

"Lets go everyone." He said and they all walked inside, little lady unlocked the door and they got inside the place, it was huge, nice, and empty no one was inside not one person. 

"No workers?" She scoffed. 

The music was loud, girl's were dancing some with one another and others by them self's, Tommy was watching little lady as she danced alone, then lone shark walked over grabbing her waist and Tommy had to hold in the want to kill this guy over nothing so he simply walked over and grabbed her arm taken control of the dance. 

"You are a man always in control now aren't you Tommy?" Little lady asked and Tommy smirked. 

"I have more then control little lady." He said looking around. "I have a family of deadly forces." He said and she licked her lips. 

"You have no control over me." She tilted her head turning around so her back was against his chest, she pulled Rascal over by his shirt and started to kiss his neck Tommy growled and pulled her away from him. "Jealous much." She snickered pulling away from him and walking away. She slumped down on the couch sitting next to Teller and taking the drug's he had in his hands. She watched Tommy as he made out with Daisy duke and soon after started to undress her, he was in so much control of this women. 

Little lady wanted to take away his full control, he was a man of control and she'd be lying if she didn't say she knew who he was, the moment she laid eyes on him on that beach she knew who he was. 

She's been searching for him, she was a detective trying to take him down, but something one day just snapped and she got this feeling of needing to be with this man, but she still had her control. Something she looks around and see's no one has. 

She licked her lips as Tommy watched her he was fucking the shit out this girl but he was starring at little lady, she stood up grabbing Jack hammer's hand she bent down and whispered something in his ear he was in a trance and stood up following her like he would Tommy and he got pissed pushing the girl away he followed them to the room. 

"Get out!" Tommy said to Jack hammer who quickly exited the room Tommy slammed the door shut. "You got some balls little lady." Tommy whispered walking over to her and she backed away quickly spinning around so he fell into the bed and she was hovering over him. 

He. Was. Shocked. 

"I think your the one with the ball's, Tommy." She whispered and he was trying to gain control but she was strong, too strong for a women. 

"Mm, you speak like you know me." He whispered and she pressed a kiss against his lips he was in shock but quickly kissed her back and tried to take control but she cuffed his hands to the bed frame and he was pissed. 

"Oops." She giggled getting off him. 

"What the fuck are you doing!?" He snapped and she snickered. 

"Someone lost his cool there." She tsk and he growled fighting as much as he could with the cuff's. "Be right back." She whispered walking to a room he was doing all he could to get out the cuff's his wrist were turning red, suddenly the door opened and he stopped because there she was, a naked little lady standing in front of him and it was more then he could have ever imagined he knew she was wearing to much clothes the moment he met her and this is why. 

She was hiding her glory from the world. 

"Let me go now. Little lady." He demanded and she only smirked crawling to the end of the bed and onto his hip's, he harden when she sat on his groin. 

"You sure you want me to? Daddy." She whispered the last time and at the mere mention of the word of hr growled moving his hips up but she jumped off him and he growled, she got to the bottom of the bed and he licked his lips. 

"What are you doing litt-" He hissed as her hands started to run down her body and stopped at her slit that was already dripping. "Don't even do it." He challenged and her finger slowly entered into her pussy as he bit his lip and was fighting all he could to get out the cuff's, he watched as she worked herself to the point of no return she added two more fingers and he licked his lips. 

"Tommy!" She screamed out his name and he hissed once again, after coming down from her high she climbed back towards Tommy who was watching her like prey, his eyes were angry but he was in such a list filled state he couldn't comprehend his feelings. 

She liked him that way.

She slipped his underwear down and placed her hand on his cock he let his head fall back as she licked the back of his cock before wrapping her lips around him he was a moaning mess and just by the sound of his moan's he wasn't gonna last very much longer, he was hitting the back of her throat she was going painfully slow and when she looked up to him she could just tell he was more then fuming with anger, taking him fully out of my mouth he was gonna let out an angry grunt but It quickly turned into a moan when she wrapped her lips around him once again, she released him once again and got up to his level, she was straddling him but he was getting nothing else.

"Let me out!" He demanded once again. 

"Beg for it." She leaned in kissing his neck. 

"Neve- ah." He trailed off as she started to suck onto his neck, leaving deep purple marks she felt him only get harder and at this point he had to be painfully hard. Suddenly she pulled back once again. She leaned as close to his lips as she could without them touching, he tried to come forward but she quickly moved back. 

"Beg." She whispered and he couldn't handle this anymore. 

"Little lady please, let me touch you, I wanna fuck the shit outta you, but I need to touch that body I need to know what you feel like. Please, pretty fucking please." Finally she let him go and he immediately entered into her, she yelled out not ready for the full length of his member to be pounded in and out of her with his speed he bent down his teeth connected harshly with her breast and she almost screamed out in pain and pleasure her entire body was shaking as he pounded in and out of her then she started to see stars and she let loose yelling out his name, his hand connected with her ass harshly before she felt him feeling her up and her head went back only for his hands to go around her neck as he still pounded in and out. 

"Fuck, Tommy." She groaned and he licked her ear before going to her neck and still pounding in and out of her. 

"This is all mine little lady." He growled into her ear before harshly yanking out and falling onto the bed next to her.
