Started with a stupid thought.


Two in one night, enjoy!!


Me and Tommy been together for six year's and we've always had a great sex life, but six months ago it just stopped.

Like poof.

Went away and never came back.

I was fine with everything the first three month's, but then it started to weigh on me, I was snapping on people, rolling my eyes, and being the bitchy me.

Today I wanted to go away for a bit so I called my mother to see if she could watch our five year old and our three year old.

"So love who's taking the baby?" She asked and I looked up from the phone.

"Dad." She smiled nodding her head.

"That should be good and how's everything with you and Tom?" I scoffed.

"Honestly?" She nodded her head. "It suck's, he won't give me any and it's annoying and that's why I am going away, if he won't give it to me, I will get it somewhere else." When I said that my mother gasp.

"Love, you can't chea-"

"Watch me." I turned around and was shocked to see Tommy standing in the door, he looked pissed, and hurt.

"Come on babies lets go upstairs." My mother said taking both the kids with her she also lifted the baby car seat as she walked out, I licked my lips and Tommy walked over.

"So, your gonna cheat on me?" He asked and I bit my lip, he nodded his head. "Have you already cheated on me?"

"No." He nodded his head and grabbed my phone from the counter sliding it into the sink and turning the water on, I didn't even breath for that matter, Tommy was an oddly calm pissed off person and honestly that scare's me more then if he would have been freaking out.

After the phone was soaked in water he turned the water off grabbing his phone and slamming it down onto the counter I jumped as the phone cracked into a million pieces seeing the red I knew he had cut himself but he didn't care about that because he just looked at me and then walked out, didn't say a word the door slammed and I closed my eyes taking a deep breath.

"Honey?" My mom asked and I looked up to her. "Go ahead, I'll call your dad to get the baby, he's a perfect guy." I took a deep breath and nodding I hugged her before I walked out the door, I got into a cab and made way to the house when I got inside it was silent and the only light was from Tommy's office I crept over and placed my ear against the door.

He was crying.

I sighed walking inside he tensed but didn't even say a word so I walked over to him getting down to my knee's and placing my hands on his knee's I looked up to him and he took a deep breath.

"Y-you wanna sleep with someone else?" His voice was so shaky I had to suck in a breath, I'm such an asshole. I always do this, I always put myself before him forgetting that he has his own demon's he fight's with in that head of his. "Y-you c-could if y-you want, I j-just c-can't lose y-you." When he said that I started to tear up.

"No, fuck. No Tommy, I'll never do th-"

"Y-you seemed so sure?" He said and I took a deep breath.

"Tommy." I let out a deep breath looking up to him. "I'm sorry for saying it, thinking it or even considering it. I'll never cheat on you, ever." He took a shaky breath and I could tell he still wasn't convinced, I sighed and pressed my hand against his crotch finally I got a reaction out of him so I quickly slid his short's and underwear down.

"What are yo- Oh fuck!" I slid my mouth slowly down onto him and he shivered throwing his head back, I went slow then faster and cradled the ball's he groaned out I put his entire length in my mouth, I added my hand and his hand went to my hair tangling it up, he let out a loud and needy moan, I bobbed my head feeling him twitch inside me I went a little faster with my hand and then he yelled out as he was cumming in my mouth, I swallowed everything and then pulled back wiping my mouth, his breathing uneven he stood up not bothering to put his short's back on he took my hand and guided me to the room and when I walked in I was shocked to see the place lit up with candles, rose petal's everywhere and a heart made out of condom's I laughed turning around his arms automatically went to my waist.

"I love it." I said and he smiled kissing my lips.

"I hope so." He said and I sighed placing my head on his shoulder.

"Am I a horrible wife?" He chuckled.

"Yeah right." I pulled back and looked into his eyes. "If anything I was neglecting you, and it wasn't because you weren't the hottest thing in the room, I just I felt wrong you just had the baby and was so stressed with her I didn't want to be trying to get sex when you only got two hours of sleep that day." I smiled.

"Yup. I'm the worst wife ever." I said and he snickered.

"Nah, you didn't cut my pecker off." I threw my head back in laughter and he lifted me up placing me on the bed, I smirked picking up one of the condom's.

"Don't you think it's too late for these?" I raised an eyebrow and he laughed.

"Aye, I thought the heart was romantic." I smiled nodding my head.

"It was." Suddenly he was over me and the look he was giving me, was super dominating I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm gonna show you who you belong to." He growled out and his fingered entered me I couldn't help the moan that left my lips. He pump them fast, then slow, then harder before going softer. I leaned up kissing his neck before I placed my hand on his dick and he groaned out. "I can't fucking handle you." When he said that he slipped his finger's out of me and I sighed out on content when he quickly entered them back into me.



"Ow!" I moaned out and he snickered.

"No cursing bad girl." When he said that I threw my head back and he slipped his finger's out of me once again and rubbed his cock against my fold's before slamming into me, I tossed my head back and ran my nail's down his back. He pumped in and out of me a few more times before slowing down and letting me get use to him before once again he was pumping hard in and out of me.

"Daddy!" I threw my head back and he groaned biting hard into my neck that only made all this better, I don't get dominating Tom a lot but boy I've never gotten this Tom.

"Oh baby girl you have the tightest little pussy on the planet you know that?" He said in between moan's and I groaned my hand's running up and down his chest, before stopping at his balls and he jolted harder inside me his hand almost immediately went to my neck my hand went to his hand and he started to squeezing and my body reacted just the way he wanted it to, I was only able to moan as he squeezed tighter and tighter I was cumming all over his dick but he didn't stop and his hand went to my clit rubbing circles and once again I was losing the battle as my body shook and my eyesight became hazy.

"FUCK!" I couldn't hold it in and he snickered letting go of my neck and leaning down kissing my lips before his thrust got sloppy and his dick twitched, seconds later he was cumming and running his hands up and down my body as he did so.

"Shit." He collapsed on the bed next to me, both of us breathing heavy I closed my eyes and let myself enter the darkness that I so needed.

"Don't cheat on me." He whispered running his finger down my lips, I opened my eyes now getting that guilt in the pit of my stomach.

"I'll never cheat on you." When I said that he licked his lips pulling me into his embrace. I could not hold the stupid tear's in, I'm a horrible wife.

"Why are you crying?" He whispered but I couldn't say anything to him. "Baby-"

"Why are you so perfect, and I'm so stupid." He sighed.

"I thought about it to." When he said that I looked up to him in shock.

"Really?" I smiled. "Who?" He groaned.

"Why do you look so happy about it?" He asked and I laughed shaking my head.

"I don't know, I was just wondering." I said and he shook his head.

"Your such a freak." He said pulling me on his lap and I threw my head back laughing.

"But you love this freak." He shook his head no.

"I'm in love with this freak." He pulled me down pressing a hard kiss on my lips as his hand snaked down my body.
