Just not as excited 2nd time around...


Can anyone relate?

With my first pregnancy I was giddy from the first time I saw that second line. I took a test the next 10 days to confirm it was really happening. I immediately Googled everything related to pregnancy and babies.

This pregnancy was planned so it's not like it caught me off guard. But I'm just not giddy about it. I'm happy, to be sure, but it's not the same. Like I almost forget I'm pregnant some days. It has taken me a week and a half to call and make an OB appointment.

I feel guilty for not being as excited. Maybe I just dont have the energy to be that way while also working full time and raising a 16 month old. Or maybe it's just that I've "been there done that" so the newness has worn off.

Does anyone relate? Is this normal? Or should I be talking to my OB about hormones or something?