Fleas biting me ..?!?!

So i have cats (two) and my grandma has a dog and our neighbors do too. So just two months ago i started getting these bumps all on my feet then legs. At first i thought it was mosquitoes but then it started traveling to my upper body. My kids got bit up and my boyfriend. So then i started doing my research and found out it was fleas. Anyway before all of this my cats was house cats! They did not go out unless they wanted to. ( they knew how to open my bathroom window) so i started letting them out during spring. But that’s around the time my grandma dog started itching bad and stuff. They both was around each other but my grandma dog was and still outside ALL THE TIME. So now she think my cats gave her dog fleas and i honestly believe they didn’t but if they did then okay animals do get fleas it’s common (i think) but anyway i threw my rug out and i haven’t been getting bit up since i threw my rug in my room out! And i sprayed my rug in the living room and that was it. But my cats been outside since July.( yes i feed them) but i threw everything away. I’m just frustrated because I’m tired of them saying that!! Now i have to get rid of my cats but she keep her dog. Wow btw i live in a family building (which is not the way to go ) trust me!!! Bad experience anyway i even called animal control and they still haven’t came to get them and now they still talking stuff like it’s my fault they didn’t come

But i love my cats but I’m tired of them getting blamed