Sick to my stomach

Dear <a href="">Eve</a> ,

I’m having a situation . Last February I’m pretty sure I met the love of my life . I was minding my own business and honestly getting played by someone else right before Valentine’s day . I was heartbroken but then my boyfriend showed up into my life and saved the day like he always does . He brought a bag of Carmel m&ms and a bag of tropical skittles & asked me to be his valentine , I was so sad I was sick that night but like everything he made me just want to be held . He told me anything before him to forget about it now . I knew he had a ex girlfriend of 3 years and he said that wasn’t going to be a issue and that that was his past . After 2 or 3 months he moved in with me in the summer , Everything was perfect. He hung out with me and my family I hung out with him and his . We got a dog and everyday we’d fall deeper in love. We would have tiny spells here and there but what couple doesn’t . I was dreading the time school came back around because for him that meant football and hardly being able to come home . Ever since school started I’ve maybe seen him a handful of times and it’s completely understandable because he literally can’t leave but my anxiety is now taking over , I can’t sleep , eat , ect. I’m constantly worried about him going astray and wanting someone else - even though he’s never ever given me a reason not to trust him & tomorrow we will have been together for six months !!! I felt sick to my stomach last night because on Instagram I seen he had a new follower and it was his ex’s bestfriend . They follow each other . I don’t want to bring it up and make it look like I don’t trust him but I want to know if I am freaking out over nothing . Is it normal to be friends or follow your ex’s bestfriend if you are not dating her anymore ?