Mornings are killing me

Miranda • 🖤*💙*🖤 One baby boy, with UBT. Two little ones waiting for us on the other side 🌈

I try and go to bed around 9pm each night, but husband doesn’t start feeling sleep until 10, so that’s when we turn the lights out.

Then I’m up around 2am to use the bathroom. This is when I start feeling sick. So it takes me a while to fall back to sleep. Husband is then up for work at 5.30. His alarm goes off and then he hits the coffee machine (loudest appliance we own). I start drifting off back to sleep. Then 6.15 he comes back in to use the bathroom and take a shower. He comes out of the bathroom dressed for work, and kisses me goodbye about 6.30ish. Again, I try and fall back to sleep, but wake up at 8.16 on the dot every morning.

I feel so sick in the morning I can’t hold anything down. Banging headache, and a stuffy nose. Feel like a complete zombie with no energy to get off the couch and get dressed until about 10am.

I know all these symptoms are a good sign my body is working hard to grow this little one... but damn! All those ladies, who still have to look after their other kids and work, you are literally superheroes. No idea how you’re doing it.