26 weeks- aspirated in my sleep

It was so scary. I was sleeping and next thing I know I’ve jolted up in bed as if electrocuted and I’m coughing so hard I couldn’t breathe. And so loudly my husband came rushing in from the living to make sure I was alright.

He always told me I snored but I have never thought it was so bad I’d aspirate.

Now- being 26 weeks along, I’m about to hit my highest weight EVER, and I wasn’t a small woman to begin with. Starting weight was 211, knocked down to 207 during 1st trimester, and last I checked I ballooned up to 222.

I knew sleep apnea was a possibility, but holy crap that was terrifying.

I took a Zantac, propped myself up on some pillows, and once the inflammation in my throat calmed down I was able to sleep. But damn. I really hope that doesn’t keep happening.

Anyone else experience something like this?