Opinions: First pregnancy. And I can't figure out how to make a poll lol.

Kaitlyn • 24yo👩‍🚒Married💏 mom of one TTC #2

UPDATE:: So alot sooner updates then we thought due to me being in an accident today. I was re ended at a red light guy was going approx 40 mph I was at a stand still. Went to the ER due to pain in my pelvis and the seatbelts hitting my pelvis. Baby and me are both ok. I am currently 8 weeks exactly. So right on track with my last funky period. There is only 1 baby. They did find a small hemorrhage but my OB thinks it's not from the accident and its really small. He just wants to monitor it. The ER Doc called my doctor that's how I got the ok from doctor. So still on to see my doctor on Sept 9th. Here's a picture of baby. Heart Beat 155-158 and strong.

Hey yall so I need your opinions. I know we can't truly know until I see the doctor but here's the back story. My husband and I were trying to get pregnant for almost 6 months. I have endometriosis so my periods are always really bloody and really bad and I fill up a good 10 or more big pads a day and it lasts around 5-7 days. In July my period was supposed to start on the 6th and it came on the 5th whatever not a big deal. But I never tested when I saw the blood. I just cried. But my period was the weirdest it's ever been. I didnt even fill up 1 pad the first day and that was a normal sized one. Then the second day I didnt even fill up 2. Like I put a second one on but didnt even fill it. Those were normal size as well. (I carry different size pads based on how much blood I'm losing) and then 3rd day if we can even call it a day. It was like a tiny bit of blood then it turned brown in the middle of the day then stopped. So my husband and I kept trying the month of July and 2 days before my next missed period I took a test and and that second line showed up faster than anything. Within like 30 seconds by the 3 min mark ot was almost as dark as the control line. I cried and cried and cried. So to finish this story here's a pic of me pre pregnancy

My stomach has always been flat no matter how thick I have gotten. Pre pregnancy I'm 5'5 and weigh 200 lbs still a flat stomach. Well according to the app and my doctors lol calendar thing. I'm 6 weeks and 6 days today. This is my stomach today

So here's where I'm going with this. This is my first pregnancy ever. And at 6 weeks I'm already this big and cant wear my regular clothes. The line was really dark on my test 2 days before my missed period. Twins run in my family and im the generation to have them. Could it be possible I'm carrying twins or could it be possible in furthur along based on my last "period". I dont find anything out until Sept. 9. My mom thinks I'm furtur along. My bestfriend thinks it might be twins. What do yall think. Oh and I forgot to add. Morning sickness started around 4 to 5 weeks. Really bad. It's actually all day sickness and has only gotten worse.